When it comes to consumer experiences online, one of the top things that people are looking for is “relevant content” that applies specifically to them and their experiences. This may be part of the reason why for years, email marketing with personalization has shown greater returns than generic emails.
What may be surprising, however, is just how much buyers desire personalization in their experiences as a consumer. In fact, the majority of consumers don’t just appreciate personalized experiences, they expect it, and find content that doesn’t adapt to their interests and needs to be frustrating.
But what is the actual data when it comes to personalization of marketing? Through a range of studies and surveys, this is what has been found:
The Facts
According to marketers in 2019, 85% of customers and prospects expected a personalized experience, with this number rising to 92% in 2020. (Evergage)
80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. (Epsilon)
67% of consumers think it is important for brands to adjust their content based on current contexts. When brands don't adjust appropriately, 42% of consumers will "get annoyed" at the lack of personalization. (Adobe)
57% of consumers are willing to provide personal information on a website if it is for their personal benefit and they believe it will be used in a responsible way. (Janrain)
62% of adults under 34 will share their location in order to receive more relevant content. (Jiwire)
74% of consumers believe that “living profiles” of themselves as buyers would be valuable if they could be used to curate the experiences, offers, and products they receive. (Accenture)
These are just some of the statistics found that show how the majority of consumers today are looking for personalized experiences when it comes to buying and interacting with brands.
What About Privacy Concerns?
For many people, privacy and the collection of personal information online can be concerning. In fact, a quarter of consumers who receive personal or invasive brand experiences claim that it is because the brand has information they did not knowingly or directly share. This can create concerns about where exactly brands are getting our information, and for what purpose.
Yet, in contrast to these concerns, 83% of consumers in a survey by Accenture claim that they would exchange data for a more personalized experience. Additionally, in a different survey by SmarterHQ, despite 79% of participants believing that companies knew too much about them, 90% were still willing to share behavioral data for a cheaper and easier brand experience.
So what does this mean for how you choose to personalize your brand experience? It’s all about exchange and communication with the consumer. People don’t want their information being found without knowing where or what it is being used for, yet many crave a personal experience to feel like they are being treated like a real human being, and not just another number to a business.
Being clear about how, why, and for what you are acquiring information for can help ease customer concerns about privacy, while also increasing your transparency as a brand. Not only that, but allowing people to easily opt out of giving information can increase trust in your brand as well, as it lets customers know that you are flexible and able to tailor their experience to their personal preferences.
At the end of the day, when personalizing your marketing, you should always develop your strategies by meeting the customer where they are at. This is just like any kind of marketing or service providing! Assess the needs and desires of the consumer, and react accordingly. By listening to consumers and adjusting behavior to meet their needs, your brand will come across as more attentive, and as though you actually care about the experience of the customer.
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